Monday, November 23, 2009

Homework #25, Reading People's Stories, and Analysis

Part One:
To Maxiel, I like you're story, and I think it's funny. In the beginning of the story I saw myself because when I got my cartaliage pierced I kept showing my friends it, just because I liked the piercing. I don't really think the main character is cool, but I think she would think she's cool until everyone laughs at her. I don't like when people are being loud and making a big deal out of a small issue. I've gotten my phone taken and given to Mr. Marks once, a couple years ago but I didn't cause a big thing with the teacher.

I like your story, keep it up!

Hey Chris R. I really liked reading your story. You showed the typical cool, as the boyfriend with the motorcycle, and you showed the hard working dad who's dedicated to his kids. I like how you started the story by talking about the dad like someone was watching him. I don't know who you specifically were thinking about as cool, but I like that you spent most of the story writing about the dad.

Keep up the good work!

Hi Victor. I like how you started with a really typical couple of fake lines to your story, then you started your real story. I liked your story because it was different from a lot of the other stories I've read so far. He seems like a complete jerk, but he seems like the popular guy that has to be a jerk. Before I had only read up to right before the glass smashing part, and I could already see him as being cool. You're story made me feel sad though, because he caused the teacher pain to seem cool. I still like your story overall though.

Hi Dylan. I liked your story, because it was short with a lot of action in it. The main character was witty, and carefree. He even has a cool name: Johnny. I like how you end the story by saying "tell him I said brake a leg." and how he was already running up the stairs before the security guard had stopped him.

To Matt B: Hey hun. Course you got so many comments already for your story, since it was read in class =P I like your story though. You got to curse all the way through it and you didn't get in trouble because of freedom of expression. I like that you had the real cool, which I thought was the therapist, and the fake cool which was the girl. You did very well with creating both of the characters of course. I also liked how long you wrote the story.
Part Two:

Something that I noticed in a lot of the stories that I read, is that there is an artificial "cool" character, and a more down to earth, real "cool" character. The artificial cool is like the jokester, the popular person, the trickster, the person that is noticed more often. While the more real cool doesn't have to be noticed, or usually isn't as noticed like the geek, the quiet person, or the loner. In Chris R's story, there is the materialistic, "cool" guy, who the kids admire because he has a motorcycle, and can do some trick with a balloon, and the big house. This seems to be a recurring theme, the person with the cool thing that everyone else looks up tot hem for. Then there is the more real character, which for Chris's I see the dad as. He spends his hard work seeing his kids, his ex's kids, and he works hard to do his job as well. The kids don't really appreciate their dad for his hard work, so when the kids told their dad that they thought the guy with the motorcycle was cool, the dad felt angry because he had never been called cool before. I saw the dad as the cool guy, instead of the person that is automatically seen in society as "cool".

There is also the typical, popular cool in Maxiel's story, where there is the popular girl bragging about her piercings, and causing a scene when the teacher asks for her cell phone. Then in Matt's story there is the therapist, who is the older, wiser man, the "real" cool person, who is trying to help the young, foolish, artificial cool girl. There is also the cool careless, popular, sort of not very nice person in Victor's and Dylan's blogs. In Victor's story there is the guy who throws the ball, and hurts the teacher, and lets the normal kid take the fall. But his friends think he's cool. In Dylan's story there is the kid who comes in late, doesn't care, charms the security guard and runs away. The artificial cool in both stories.

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