Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Homework #17, Triangle Partner Outline Suggestions

To Jace:
Jace, first of all: get your mind out of the gutter! =P Are you going to write your whole paper talking about people and children sleeping with each other? I do agree in a way though, with your arguments. Phones help us to keep in touch with people, and they fit as a digital representation of reality. I will give you credit though for using sleeping with a phone as a topic, while I wouldn't of thought anyone else would write their paper around this.

What is your EQ? Maybe you should use the one Andy said, which I'm trying to use. "Finally, what is it about these representations or simulations of reality (variously defined) that is so fascinating for us? Is it partly because our consciousness is itself a kind of representation of reality?" One spelling error that's annoying me is in your thesis, you wrote "their" instead of "they're".

Keep up the good work Jace! I look forward to reading your paper.


Amon, I really like your outline. It is well thought out, and put together nicely. While I am still having a hard time coming up with a thesis, your thesis is amazing. All of your writing is worded very sophisticated, and even in your outline I understand what you are getting at. I appreciate that you discussed Wall-E, which I was thinking about but hadn't gotten to doing so.

I don't have any suggestions or corrections that need to be made. I just think you should continue expressing your ideas and that you have solid pieces of evidence. Good luck with your paper, and I look forward to reading it.


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