Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homework #16, Big Paper Outline 1

What is it about these representations or simulations of reality (variously defined) that is so fascinating for us? Is it partly because our consciousness is itself a kind of representation of reality?

Right now I do not know what my thesis is going to be.

Argument One:
Interviewing Strangers: Jace and I interviewed a group of kids who said that they are on forms of digital technology ten hours daily. Out of the ten hours, they said that only two hour are productively spent. "We're more dependent on them." "Need the computer [for things like] Google. Uses Facebook, in their spare time. FB is a good thing, for keeping in touch with family (one girl talked about keeping in touch with her aunts and cousins etc on facebook.)" A lot of kids are constantly on the computer, using facebook, and playing video games. I have a facebook yet I’m on only once of twice a month. I would delete it but it is helpful for keeping in touch with people and as s source of gossip. I have IM, yet I cannot remember the last time I was on it. I have a television in my room, yet I never turn it on. The only times I watch my TV are when my friends have turned it on.

I Love My Computer by Bad Religion: We can control our cell phones, and computers. “All I have to do is click on you and we’ll be joined in the most soul-less way and we’ll never ever ruin each other’s day cuz when I’m through I just click and you just go away.” People like things that they can have complete control over. You can send texts on your phone when you want to, and you can close websites on your computer whenever you feel like it. “Pants fit our body, digital representation is like pants for the mind. Almost like perfume” smells like something, but is not really what it smells like. It is made out of chemicals.

Argument Two:
Technology is a useful tool for helping people stay in touch with each other: Research on beepers, and how they helped us stay together when they first came out. The quotes from my mom, about when she first got her beeper. The interview with Alice on how meeting up was a lot more difficult back then, but that we have cell phones now to help us. I can admit that I feel weird every time I do not have my cell phone in my pocket, and that I almost always have my cell phone on my person.

Argument Three:
Instead of spending so much time with electronic devices, people should get more in touch with romanticism: “Reconnect the past. Natural cycles like trees, nature… Not with the artificial stuff like living in castles.” Life in the city vs. life in the country. How a lot of city kids do not get out into the country, and when they do they complain about bugs and other things in nature.

Conclusion: People are constantly on a form of digital technology. They are basically addicted to it. They like having cell phones, computers, and video games… at their disposal constantly. A lot of people do not spend time in nature, or without technology.


  1. Its hard to determine if your arguments are good enough without a thesis to connect back to, but knowing you I'm sure you'll be able to construct one based off all the evidence you will be using throughout your paper.
    Also you don't know how much of a headache I got from trying to analyze the meaning of your EQ. Definitely not saying its not a good one, but I couldn't make much sense of what your getting at. So I'm looking forward to observe how you are gonna pull it off. If you can answer this question it'd be great: "If our consciousness is a representation, then what is reality?".
    I see that overall, you try to reference the usefulness of technology and luxury of having it around us. I like how your focusing on it since I also am, but in a different way so it fits right in with my thesis.

    One thing that I still feel confused about is where you will be fitting in the theory that our consciousness is a representation. I see that you are going to talk about romanticism, but I'm still not seeing how it can completely cover as an answer for a question as big as "Is it partly because our consciousness is itself a kind of representation of reality?".
    Regardless Im looking forward to the outcome of your paper.
    Good Luck!

  2. Hi Hannah,

    I broke down the comments so that there are suggestions for each part of your paper.

    I like your EQ, as for your thesis maybe you could say: The Digital World defines reality off of stimulation's and representations from technology.

    Argument One: I think the way you related it to yourself is actually quite interesting. Maybe you can explain exactly what you do instead of using technology. I think that would show the reader the endless possibilities of alternatives. In reality what you are saying is quite true to most teens, we are absorbed with the gadgets.

    Argument Two: I feel like your Argument One and Argument Two are very similar. You discuss how it is a way to keep in touch. Maybe you can elaborate your Argument Two more with strong evidence of it besides what your Mom said.

    Argument Three: I find this very interesting, I don't have my notes in front of me but I know that Andy talked a great deal about this idea. Maybe you can try to interview someone who lives in the country and compare it to a city kid. I have a feeling that the results would be very different.

    Conclusion: Make sure it connects back to whatever your thesis ends up being.
