Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Homework #54, "Personality" Test

ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous.

P1: I'm really not sure if I would be called an "Entertainer". The word reminds me of singers, actors, dancers.. and also the other kinds of entertainers. I think of myself as shy and quiet more than loud and out there, and my brother as the entertainer. If I already know a person though and feel comfortable around them I feel like I do have the potential to be what the survey considers as an "entertainer".

I took the personality test twice, because I didn't copy and paste it when I was in the computer lab, and I got different results each time. The first time it said I was a leader, and I wasn't sure if I was that either. I don't like the process of taking personality tests, and I've gotten different results on each one. There were a lot of questions that I clicked for the middle one on, because I wasn't sure where I was on the question, and others where I was really sure what to say. Over all the fifty questions or so blurred together, and came out with one answer.

P2: I feel like these tests aren't that accurate because a person can say different answers each time, and it doesn't really reflect how an individual is. People love taking personality tests, especially if it is right but there are only a number of answers for a person to get, and those answers aren't necessarily the right ones for a specific individual. There are so many personality tests and matches on facebook, and before that there were tests on myspace and plenty more on the internet. One student's post said how she felt unique to be in the lower percentage of people to get matched with a certain set of letters, and how she then realized that she wasn't the only one. A lot of other students had gotten the same scores as her as well, which shows how no one is truly unique when it comes to personality tests.

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