Monday, September 21, 2009

Homework 6. (Film Project) Part 1

I had two minutes of filming but it cut me off, so I made two parts.


  1. nice video, liked the grey palette.

    that was a videogame machine or a texting machine?

  2. Thanks. This video I was text messaging on my phone and listening to my ipod. I can text really fast and I was actually telling my friend Harry when I was recording the video that I was recording it. In the second video I was using a tuner to tune my guitar. I have a microphone in my living room where I was tuning the guitar, as well as an amplifier so my brother suggested I tune my guitar for part two of the video.

    I had the idea to wear an old fashioned hat to contradict with our unit on digitalization, as well as the sepia-tone on the other video. I was feeling really strange to be recording videos of myself so I wanted toe make it interesting as well as doing the assignment at the same time.

    While I was watching the video it made me laugh because I knew how awkward I felt while I was recording them. Whenever I'm texting in real life I like knowing how fast I can text, because it's something people take pride of sometimes. I often don't like texting when I'm with flesh people because I'm being antisocial with the people I'm actually hanging out with. I usually shy away from the camera on laptops, because my brother is constantly on video chat. My little brother is the opposite of me in several ways, especially because he depends on technology a lot and loves it. He watches tv all the time, texts, video chats, takes pictures, goes on facebook, and all that jazz a lot of the time.

    I don't play video games, but I've played on Yazzy's wii before and found it frustrating as well as amusing. You have to create something called a mii, and mine looked nothing like myself. Overall I'd rather lift weights and excerzise with real life things instead of on digital games. I used to play the sims though on the game cube, and I really loved that. As well as when I had the game boy color in fourth and fifth grade. I'd rather paint, play the guitar, read, wrestle etc in person instead of on electronics.

  3. Hannah,

    I'm glad that you really followed the format of what Andy wanted. You did your own thing and let people watch which is hard to do. I didn't exactly follow the format but both of our videos representations of digitalization.

    I feel like your video is saying that digital shit is taking up most of the time in your life. Even when your playing guitar, your using an electric tuner. That really shows what the world has come to.

    I see when your texting in your video your kind of looking around, I don't know if that is subconscious or not, but when I'm texting I kind of feel awkward, like you awkwardly looking around.

    In future videos I would make a few more "statements" about technology, but the guitar with the tuner is a good example of how digital is taking over our lives.

    Your video really makes me think about what the world is coming to. What can we do that is not technology based??? Even in the gym when your working out, there are usually TV's in the room, and most people are listening to their Ipods. I wonder how the world will turn out.

    Once again i enjoyed your post and look forward to future ones.


  4. Dear Hannah

    I'd like to apologize to you as I did to Jace about my lack of skill in managing to do homework. I also wanted to thank you for really bugging me about being proactive with homework assignments which has me commenting on your video now. Although I honestly am very exhausted from a long day of school and work, I feel like I owe you for your management of the group and this is the least I can do.

    First off, I love the color you picked for the two videos. Though it seems like a primitive video without much color, you show that you definetely are living in a digital world. You also seem to be fully concentrated in the activities you do. I didn't notice in the first video that you were listening to music so when you started bobing your head I was pretty confused, but Im glad you took out the Ipod to reveal that you using not only one but two different types of modern day technology.

    The second part of your video stood out to me the most, mainly because you are holding a guitar (I play as well) and the fact that your a lefty. Though acoustic guitar's (possibly classical?) are a few of the things that we still value today that are not run by battery power, we have come up with devices such as the guitar tuner to enhance our experience with it. It made me realize how even the non-digital activities are being upgraded by technology.

    In your first part of the video, after winking at the camera you are deeply engaged in texting for such a long period of time. I personally never text long enough to concentrate that hard, but durring the summer I saw numerous people traped in their virtual world the cellhpone offers. Durring my visit to Japan I was actually disgusted by the number of people who have they're phones out on the train. Atleast 80% of the people were either watching TV, texting, playing games, and even blogging on their cellphones. Though the phone technology in that country is very gratifying, It really has shown a significant impact on people's daily lives.

    One part i'd like you to expand on is the emotional aspect of being under the influence of technology. Though you looked pretty content while listening to your Ipod and texting, I'd like to see you express how it feels to be using these devices.

    I again would like to apologize about being selfish and not being a respectable team member. I am looking forward to being in your group over the course of this year.

    If possible, I'd like to know if you can post an edited version of the comment on my video. I have the additional thoughts written along with the posted video. Thank you.
