Sunday, January 10, 2010

Homework #33, Brainstorming and Outline for paper.

This kind of is how I outlined or thought about things that I want to to talk about in my paper.


Typical cool (Goffman, books, movies..)
-Acting on a stage, or acting out our lives.
-The common search for identity.
-The breakfast club: The Princess, the Jock, the Brain, the Criminal, and the Werido. If you say yes you're a slut, if you say no you're a prude. It's like a double sided blade." Roles people play
Girl roles and styles v.s guy roles and styles. The movie with the girl "I want people to look at me and think wow she's pretty". the midriff role, and the guy role.. the.. Mark. Celebs can have
with everyone and be cool but the tennis player can't
- Attacking the face. stepping on the face. Smiling. The real smiles pull different muscles that the fake smiles can't pull.
- Smoking is cool. Chimneys! "Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules. cuz
everybody knows that smoking ain't allowed in school..
-Being able to stand out, like my bright purple jacket.
-Popular person who is considered good because they hang out with the not popular person, like in Wicked.
- Fear. The bigger person that wants to scare little people. But that actually
makes him the smaller person. I'm big, I'm respected. Ooohhh!
- Stars. Everyone recognizes their voices on the radio, or their faces in
magazines and in movies.. The more stars, the better it's considered to be
-We all want to fit in, and be accepted.
-the tall, skinny white, blonde hair, blue-eyed model
-High heels. F*** me pumps (like the song..) Gucci bag crew.
-About a Boy "Bah, Bah.. you have to blend in and be a sheep."
-Brain washed, by Ian Hunter
-Being a teenager, parties, sweet sixteens, my party.. If you're invited, you're "cool". Attention. Party Monster. Uglies, Pretties,
Specials, Scott Westerfield. The school Frank Sinatra.
-UP IN THE AIR, the black card that gives an automatic greeting.
-Having the cool watch, tv, phone..
-Facebook, Twitter.. everyone knows your business. Like these guys at the skiing place who were
talking really loudly everyone could hear them even though they were right next to each other. Name pillows, bracelets, necklaces, name tattoos. "You don't know me! My name is ______!" so what?
The rainboot crew. Once the leader is gone, the groupies/ followers are lost.
Daisy perfume, urban outfitters, AMERICAN APPAREL!
-Guy roles, showing no emotions. If you break out of that mold something's wrong.
-Stars always having to look good, because of paparazzi shots. Like America's next top model. Riquel
Reed, is black, wears white makeup..
-'It's my life and I'll do what I want.."
-Being open, nothing to hide
-Wanting to be special. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan.. The negative side effects of being
a celeb.
-Linkon Park, song leave out all the rest, feeling meaningless..
-21st Century Digital Boy.
-Teenagers would be lost without cell phones.

Not Typical cool

-Hippies, HAIR.
-Thrift stores, vintage.
- Romanticism, being "real" handmade things.
- The not typical cool, like the quiet artist, or the person that is seen as weird.
-Harold and Maude, living, being happy, control.
-Audrey Hepburn: refused to change herself to be like all the other models. Funny face the movie.

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