Sunday, February 7, 2010

Homework #38, "Follow the neon in young lover's eyes.." -Hair

I'm really fascinated by the hippies, and the musical Hair, so I wanted to make a painting out of it. Everyone has a different opinion on what "cool" is! There are always arguments on what cool is a what it isn't. The fact that hippies were into romanticism, and standing up for peace is pretty cool. Like my favorite character Claude, -who I've mentioned many times before- who has the long hair, tight jeans, headband with a feather tucked into it, and wears his moms jeans. I like that the guys grew out their hair to rebel against their parents and the war. As well as growing out their beards as opposed to being clean-shaven and having a military cut. The women with their long hair and uh not shaving and burning their bras can be considered cool as well I guess.

Their whole flower power, bell-bottoms, and flowing shirts are pretty cool.As well as their peace signs and wearing the flag to disrespect the flag is fascinating. Taking after the Native Americans and everything with their naturalness (the flowers).

The process of making this painting was sort of long and painful at times. In the beginning I kept having to draw and erase the spiral over and over again until I liked it. Then there were times where I wasn't sure which color to put where, until I decided to stop looking at a picture I was trying to work on and actually picked out all the colors I liked. Then I had to pick the very last color which was also a little difficult at first. I had a lot of fun painting the hair, and the letters 'Hair' as well as gluing the little hearts on the headband (it's kind of hard to see them in the picture). I also liked making the spiral go into the heart, and I loved being able to incorporate the actual tickets from the two times I've seen Hair into the painting. I got to see Hair the very first week that it was open, and the ticket is a different color for some reason. Then I got to see it again during the summer that just passed, as a present to one of my friends.

Do I think making art is cool? Of course! I think that to be able to make any form of art is cool. Painting, writing stories or poetry, or even beat making is cool. I know for me I love having a plan or an idea of something to make, and then seeing the end result when it's finally finished. Having proof of something that you've spent your time working on is also nice. This painting took me weeks and weeks to do, and I'm really proud of the end result.

I think that artisans are amazing. I went to Buenos Aires in Argentina about three or four summers ago, and they had these fairs where they would set up tents in a huge circle and the artists would come and set up their artwork to sell there surrounded by tons of other artists. I found it really fascinating to be able to walk through the tents of paints, wind-chimes, jewelry, food, and printed t-shirts. To be able to be a part of that community of artists even just for the time that I spent walking through there was amazing.

So yeah, I think to be able to make art work as well as to look at other people's art work is cool. Being able to see people painting on the streets, or in central park or the Cloisters is also pretty awesome.

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